Girl troubles

Mr. Cool is having...girl troubles. He's been talking about a girl in his class a lot this year, and we've suspected a crush, but this week it's come to light. After school one day, he came to Jenny and said there was a "situation at school" he needed to talk to her about. The next day, he came to me saying the same thing. He admitted that he does, indeed, have a crush on her. As if an innocent crush weren't enough, the school nurse called Jen today to say that Eli had gotten hurt at recess. He had a huge knot on his head and had twisted his ankle. How, you ask? Several girls were chasing him and he, not watching where he was running, ran smack dab into a pole. Love hurts.
My first crush was on a classmate named Melissa somethingorother. It was first grade at Sacred Heart Elementary School in New Mexico. She had red hair and was a totally hottie. She looked just like Melissa Gilbert who played Laura on Little House on the Prairie (which, looking back, was like Survivor for the 80's).
I remember when I was in school that you got one picture a Now they take a regular school picture, then a class picture, and finally a "Senior picture"-type photo. We were really surprised this week when he brought them home how good they turned out. They cost $12 a sheet. So, we coughed it up and bought one sheet even though I was firm that we shouldn't spend that kind of money for one picture, that it was setting a standard we'd have to keep for the other boys, but I gave in.
He is a hottie! I still have pics Lori took of him and Julia while forcing them into a kiss! Good luck with those "situations"!
Oh, poor Eli--I'm sure he was wondering where that post came from.
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