This Thursday is a big day for me. It'll be a big day for Eli, too. It's Take Your Child to Work Day, and this marks the first year that one of my offspring is eligible to participate. If the constant "how much longer 'til I get to go to work?" routine that started last week when I announced that Eli would get to go is any indication of how excited he is, then he's pretty dang excited. Last night, the question changed from the usual "how many DAYS" to "how many more HOURS." On Sunday, Eli asked when we got home from church if he could use my extra briefcase because he had some things he needs to carry to the office (four days away). I hurriedly emptied the contents out of my black leather executive briefcase and handed it over to him. Ten minutes later he was back saying he was ready to go. The contents, carefully selected and strategically arranged for accessibility and balance, included 238 crayons of various lengths and shades, a Spiderman activity/coloring book only partially completed (he's been needing to get that finished), and two packs of maple sugar instant oatmeal.

I don't know if there was such a thing as TYCTW Day when I was a kid, and I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed it. My dad was the mid-Western blue-collar, hard working type who showered after work, not before, for a reason. I was the seven-year-old kid who when my grandpa took me and my little brother to the store once and said "you can each pick out one thing" picked out a burgundy pleather portfolio with a pad of legal paper, a Bic pen and compartments for gadgets, a stark contrast to the dump truck that made crashing sounds eagerly selected by my kid brother. Seriously, shouldn't that have been a red flag to somebody? That's just not normal. Anyway, after watching me sit in my cube all day, he may wish I had a "fun" job. At least there'll be candy in my drawer.
How FUN! Aaron's company has a "no kids at work" policy- no joking! I'm sad that the Nut can't go to work with him.
Be sure to post all the days highlights on Friday :)!
Isn't the other name don't get any work done at work day? I try to do homework and stuff at home but it never works out because of the little distractions (kids and wife).
I think Eli has the right idea. You never know when you will have a craving for oatmeal while you are at work. Can't wait to see what he says about your job!
PS: Our friends once told us they let their 4 yr. old pack his own bag for church. He had a whole bunch of random things in it, but my favorite was that he packed some fried chicken!
The woman that sits in the cube next to my office eats instant oatmeal every morning.
I would take a brief case to work, but I forgot the combination (20 years ago).
This all made me think of my Dad at work. I was actually there with him all the time--he was the elementary school custodian, then the school bus driver who also helped with the school lunch program at both schools. The kids all really liked him because he was so nice to everyone. It was neat to see him everyday.
Here's another oatmeal story. My boss does two things regularly: 1) he eats a huge bowl of plain oatmeal every morning and 2) he leaves things randomly all over the office. So you can guess what I have found on my desk a few times...a half eaten bowl of oatmeal. yuck!
Pop we should pry that brief case open there might be some valuable antiques in there, it would be like opening a time capsule!
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