Rule Britannia

Just in case Jenny has spoken to you at any time since she's known you and mentioned me keeping a scrapbook about the Queen of England and said something to the effect that I'm smitten, it's time to clear the air and set the record straight. We rented the movie "The Queen" last weekend, and I'm afraid it's sparked her interest in misrepresenting my interests once again. The movie, by the way, was pretty. darn. good.
JENNY'S STORY #1: Chris loves the royal family and has a scrapbook about them.
FACT: in the 2nd grade, I did start and meticulously keep a scrapbook about the royal family which may have been the beginning of a lifelong interest in them. What she doesn't mention to anyone when she's slandering my good name is that it was a project for my Cub Scout den. We had a pack meeting where each Cub Scout was ASSIGNED a country to research and then present something about them. I was ASSIGNED to research England. It just so happened that Prince Charles and Princess Diana got married a few months earlier, so there were lots of articles available. Back then, you see, a scrapbook was a book of scraps cut out of newspapers and magazines on a particular subject, NOT A FADISH HOBBY THAT COSTS LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY FOR PATTERNED PAPER AND SQUIGLY SCISSORS.
FACT: in the 2nd grade, I did start and meticulously keep a scrapbook about the royal family which may have been the beginning of a lifelong interest in them. What she doesn't mention to anyone when she's slandering my good name is that it was a project for my Cub Scout den. We had a pack meeting where each Cub Scout was ASSIGNED a country to research and then present something about them. I was ASSIGNED to research England. It just so happened that Prince Charles and Princess Diana got married a few months earlier, so there were lots of articles available. Back then, you see, a scrapbook was a book of scraps cut out of newspapers and magazines on a particular subject, NOT A FADISH HOBBY THAT COSTS LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY FOR PATTERNED PAPER AND SQUIGLY SCISSORS.
JENNY'S STORY #2: Chris knows more about the British Royal family than he does about his own family lineage.
FACT: I do know a lot about them and I know enough about my own family tree. Jenny's the one that claims Winston Churchill is her great-uncle.
FACT: I do know a lot about them and I know enough about my own family tree. Jenny's the one that claims Winston Churchill is her great-uncle.
JENNY'S STORY #3: Chris found out that the official website of the British Royal Family actually lists "jobs in the Royal Household" and wishes he'd known about it eight years ago when looking for a job.
FACT: Ok, she's right on this one. They're looking for a Assistant Press Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen right now. Although I am qualified , applicants have to be Only thing is you have to have the right to work in the UK. Dang it.
FACT: Ok, she's right on this one. They're looking for a Assistant Press Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen right now. Although I am qualified , applicants have to be Only thing is you have to have the right to work in the UK. Dang it.
Oh cool, Winston Churchill is our great uncle? I know that Franklin D. Roosevelt is too!
The real intresting thing in your blog is that you were a cub scout when Charles and Diana got married. My, how time flies.
And, by the way, we really liked the movie, "The Queen." I liked their little "farm" in Scotland.
Ohh so it is OK for guys to have and do scrapbooking? I always feel so left out when the ladies get together and do it, but if you're into it I guess I could do it too.
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