After a ridiculous day at work (mostly people, not the work), I really wanted to run outside instead of on the treadmill. I'm starting to gear up for the 1/2 marathon, although the training doesn't have to be as serious as the crazies in the family working on a full marathon. I ran six miles on the treadmill Saturday. Tonight I ran 4.5 miles outside, only stopping for quick drinks of water. I think I'll have to rethink my dislike of running outside. I've been known to say that I prefer the treadmill because I can watch TV and that outside running is boring. However, I do a lot of interesting thinking when I run outside. Here are tonight's thoughts:
1. I still can't believe how uncomfortable it was to run, if even for a second, on the wet sand along Lake Michigan. Just what was that they ran on in Chariots of Fire? I'm not buying that it was a real beach. They just looked too happy.
2. I wonder if that wire hanging from the power line next to the sidewalk is live. I should probably be a responsible citizen and call the utility company when I get home.
3. Who decided that the "it's ok to walk across the intersection now" walking man symbol should be in white lights? The hand is red, like a red light, so why isn't the walking man green? It could be like the leprechaun is the international symbol for safe street crossing.
4. I do math problems in my head when I run outside, and I think I know why. I hate [Maria, cover your eyes] math but when I think about math problems, the time seems to fly by, and before I know it, I've run a mile just trying to remember what a square root is and in what situations would I need to know it. I've still never encountered one.
5. If I was Paris Hilton and was getting out of the klink tonight, what would I do first? I'd probably go to Taco Bell for a Crunch Wrap and Diet Dr. Pepper.
6. It's better to take a drink BEFORE pouring a little water on your forehead. If you douse your noggin first and then drink right after, you're guaranteed to swallow all the sweat you just rinsed off. Some mistakes you only make once, I guess.
7. Fast food joints stink - literally. I've never noticed the smell just driving by, but maybe there's something about running past them. Long John Silver's is the worst offender. Almost makes me never want to eat fast food again (except for Crunch Wraps).
8. Why do most of my blog posts take the form of numbered lists?
haven't you heard "whitey says walk"?
I agree it should be a different color, and the hand is really more of an orange don't you think? Shouldn't they be red and green (respectively) like the traffic lights?
You may not want to know but, I do math problems in the shower usually writing in the steam covered door or wall, usually salary calculations, like if I made this much a year what would that come out to per hour or something like that. The problem with this is,like you said the time flies by, and before I know it I'm out of hot water to actually shower and shave instead of keeping me warm while I calculate.
I think I'm going to have to try one of these crunch wraps from Taco Bell!
This is Joel-
I actually think there is a subspecies of runners that do math in their heads when they run, others have told me they do this. I used to try and calculate my miles per minute pace at each mile-point, but after a few miles I have a hard time doing the math right in my head! It ends up taking the whole next mile to do it and then you have to start all over!!
When I was running my half marathon, I remember trying to calculate in my head - like my pace and finish time. But I just couldn't do the math right, it was weird, it was like I had lost a few brain cells. Then a few days later I read an article about how extended workouts actually reduce your brain power!
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