Home on the Range


I was tagged by Emily to write seven interesting things about myself.

1. There were 32 people in my graduating class. It was the largest class ever to graduate from my high school. I was like #17, GPA-wise, which is ironic because that was also my score on the ACT when I re-took it hoping to improve my first score of 23. So technically, I got dumber the more I tried. But I don’t consider myself dumb. Other people might.

2. I was the president of my 4-H club. However, I did not live on a farm. I was a “city kid”. My city had 900 people and is actually considered a village on the state records. My things in 4-H were photography, drawing, and clothing (we had to demonstrate how to put together an outfit and then model it at the county fair – and yes, there were lots of other guys who did clothing, too. They were mostly the “city kids”, though.)

3. I really like watching documentaries. One of my favorite documentaries is My Date With Drew because I like Drew Barrymore; another favorite is Country Boys. When I meant to record the recent NOVA documentary Marathon Challenge, I accidentally set the VCR for the wrong time and recorded The Undertaking instead. It’s a documentary about funeral directors and the funeral business. Very interesting. See point #4 below.

4. I considered becoming a funeral director at one time. I have sort-of a morbid curiosity (who doesn’t?) and I’m a pretty compassionate person. I saw the funeral profession as one where a compassionate person would do well attending to the needs of the living who were in mourning. I wouldn’t have passed chemistry, though, and I don’t know how to do make-up (it wasn’t offered in 4-H), so I don’t think I would have made the cut.

5. My great-great aunt’s favorite story to tell me was that we have an ancestor who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution named Robert Morris. What I don’t think she ever knew about Robert Morris is that he died in debtor’s prison. Oh, and what’s even more interesting is I’m married to a woman who claims to be related to Winston Churchill.

6. On my mission in Japan, I averaged one bike wreck a month for the 22 months I lived there. I was only seriously injured once.

7. I have 11 toes.

Ok, so I really only have 10 toes, but I couldn’t think of anything interesting for #7. I am, after all, trying to work here, you know.


At 10:31 AM , Blogger Jenny said...

Don't forget you were also going to become a Catholic priest.

At 11:17 AM , Blogger Emily said...

So I'm guessing your next new hobby isn't going to be biking? It was fun reading yours and Jenny's facts!

At 7:20 PM , Blogger Tom said...

Have you watched An Inconveient Truth? Maybe you could wear your GREEN 4-H vest, sit down and enjoy this Oscar winning,nobel prize winning 100% true documentary!

8. I'm fairly sarcastic.

At 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly did not know that 4-H was for all kids. I honestly thought it was a girls only club. The country version of girl scouts.

learn something new everyday.

At 9:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you go to a small high school, you learn important things that would never show up on your ACT score.


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