That's it. You'll no longer have to read about my donut issues or running woes here. After some deliberation, I started a second blog where I can keep detailed notes of my training for the half marathon, and track my donut intake. For a while I told myself, "Self, it's your blog. You can write whatever you want to and if people don't want to read it, they don't have to." But then I thought it would be easier for me to look back at my progress if I don't have to wade through my other nonsense to find it. So, you can check it out if you want to.
http://www.illrunfordonuts.blogspot.com/I wanted it to be willrunfordonuts.blogspot, but would you believe that someone else started a blog with that name on the exact same day as I built mine? Oh well. I took my frustration out on my design software and made a custom header. Looks a lot like the logo to a certain favorite donut shop of mine. Coincidence?
I wonder if Joel was the one who took out the "willrunfordonuts" blog title?
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