Home on the Range


Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning

Saturday, 9:47 pm: the Bishop calls saying that church is cancelled because of the ice storm.

Sunday, 8:04 am: the monsters awake and come asking if there's church today because they just looked outside and it looks slippery

Sunday, 8:23 am: the phone starts ringing because the phone tree has kicked into full gear. Rumor has it that the singles ward doesn't use a phone tree, but rather everyone texts one another. Kids and their technology.

Sunday, 9:12 am: find that Liam busted into the candy meant for some Christmas projects today and needs to be bathed because the sugar has already liquefied and been rubbed into his hair.

Sunday, 9:20 am: conditions are deteriorating rapidly. The monsters have already exhausted every imaginary game they know and have started wrestling. I've discovered we can watch Music and the Spoken Word live because of our high-speed internet when it comes on in an hour. In the meantime, I've tuned into BYU streaming radio.

Sunday, 9:31 am: as "Love at Home" plays, Nathan is wailing because Eli pushed him down, Liam just threw a container of Jenny's sewing pins up in the air and the floor is now like downtown Baghdad with it's land mines, and I'm enjoying the angelic voices coming from my new Dell Dimension PC, oblivious to my surroundings.


At 10:39 AM , Blogger Jenny said...

Sunday, 10:30am. Jenny finally wakes up! What a glorious morning for me to sleep in oblivious to all your craziness!!

At 8:21 PM , Blogger Heather said...

Your kids wake up at 8? WOW! Mine were up at seven zero zero prompt!

By 1:30pm My son was hanging over the edge of the podium at the chapel clapping his hands and waving as the rest of the primary children sang.

At 7:26 AM , Blogger My Many Coloured Days said...

Thank the Lord for three hour church!

At 9:46 PM , Blogger Kenningtons said...

It was good to link up with you again. Thanks for the support on the man-bag! I need to find the Seinfeld episode. I bet it is hilarious. I am in Singapore for one year for work.


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