Extreme Makeover - Blog Edition

For a while now I've been wanting to make some cosmetic changes to my blog, including adding a custom header. I created this one and was very excited to make the change tonight only to find out from Jenny that it took her four hours to get hers changed and add a picture header to hers a while back. I guess it will have to wait until this weekend when I have that kind of time to commit. However, since I was really proud of the one I created (yes, at work, where else?), I decided to just post it here, especially since Jenny said you can only use an image that has a URL. This is the easiest way to get a URL for my picture. Let me know how you like it. I've also been toying with the idea of replacing the picture of Dwight K Schrute on my profile with an actual picture of me (thanks to Joel and Maria for the new digital camera). Any objections (Susan)?
Also, just to clarify since there have been some questions about why my blog is named Home on the Range from someone who will remain nameless, but if that person weren't nameless her name would be Emily. I want to be sure that that person, and anyone else who cares, understands why, and since I'm not sure her informant (Jenny) told the whole/correct story.
- I am a native Kansan
- The official state song of Kansas is "Home on the Range", not "Over the Rainbow" or "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" as some might think
- My blog is my "home" on the web, or "cyber range"
I think your current picture of the guy from the office is great. Don't change it.
I vote to leave the funny guy picture up. But I love the new masthead!! Can't wait to see it up!
Not that your picture wouldn't be just dandy, but you gotta keep Dwight Kurt on there!
Thank you for clarifying the origin of your blog title. I am taking suggestions for my "soon to be" blog title if you have any clever ideas.
I think I can almost see mountains in the background.
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