Run, Forrest, Run

I'm in Des Moines again (second time in a month). There's something about this place that makes me want to push myself to the limit (or, there's nothing else to do here...yea, I think that's it). Last month when I was here I ran my first NON-STOP two mile stretch. Well, tonight I ran 3.1 miles (5K) without stopping! My time was 33.1. At this rate, I'll be untouchable in the Chief Joseph Run in a few weeks (that and the pretty safe assumption that I'll be the only male in the 30-39 year old group).
FOLLOW-UP: my wife just informed me that a 5K is actually 3.2 miles, not 3.1 as my jelly legs believed. Oh well, it was fun all the same.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but a 5K is actually 3.2 miles. But anyways, WOW! I'm so jealous. I miss you!
It is going to be so much fun watching
you take off in the 5K run. You and
Jenny are my inspiration! And I thought it was silly to buy a treadmill--guess I have to eat crow.
Wow, that's cool. You are going to leave the rest of us in your dust! When you gonna do a marathon?
P.S. A 5K is 3.10685596 miles. (Hey, my nerdy scientific calculator DOES come in handy)
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