Home on the Range


Daddy Stew

We've all seen the cartoons where well-intentioned anthropologists or Bugs Bunny are captured by the natives, hungry natives, and put on to boil for a delicious stew. We'll tonight I came close to living it. Taking an innocent Sunday nap on the couch while Jenny sat just a few feet away chatting with her parents on the phone, I awoke to the delicious aroma of dill and mint. Liam had helped himself to the spices left on the counter from tonight's not-so-successful attempt at gyros and was sprinkling me from head to toe with spices. Guess the turkey sandwich he had for dinner didn't quite fill him up. Alarmed, I asked Jenny if she happened to notice what was going on. Nope, I had to tell her what had just taken place.

In other news, Eli, Nathan and I ran the Kids Klassic Fun Run yesterday. Jenny stole my rights to blogging about it, so I guess you'll have to read her blog for more details. One thing she didn't mention was that the day before the race, Eli said "Dad, I sure hope we're the only ones in the race so we can win." Guess he's heard my Chief Joseph Run story one too many times (he must think the only way to win is to enter a race where you're the only contestant in your age category.)


At 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could you stand running in the race when they spelled Classic with a "K." Know how much you like that. Isn't that the topic of a previous blog? But hey, y'all did great. Congratulations!

We saw a campaign sign in Fergus County, Montana, for a man running for sheriff. His name is Killham. I'm not making this up!

At 11:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. Previous comment is in the wrong post. See "The Winners."

At 6:49 PM , Blogger Tom said...

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At 6:51 PM , Blogger Tom said...

I think garlic and chives would have been a better choice, at least that's my preference for Cannibal stew!


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