Home on the Range


How women's deoderant is ruining my life

That's right. Women's need for their own kind of deoderant is ruining - my - life.

The Story: I've used Shower Clean Degree Deodorant for as long as I can remember. I like it because it doesn't smell like the typical aftershave-scented men's deodorants on the market. Plus, it's cool because as your body heat rises, it's odor-fighting protection goes to work - kind of like a super power, and what guy wouldn't like to have a super power? I use the Shower Clean scent because it has always worked hard to keep me smelling that way. A while back we bought a supply at Sam's Club and noticed the bottle color was different - instead of the deep turquoise color I was used to, it was now a light shade of periwinkle (refer to a 48-pack of Crayolas). It wasn't until I pulled one out to use a few weeks later that I noticed the big change. Some female deoderant marketer somewhere (here after referred to as 'She') felt compelled to put the word "WOMEN" right there on the front above the name Degree. By adding these five letters, 'She' changed a gender-neutral product and totally ruined my life.

The Problem: As if I even have to spell it out. 'She' has totally emasculated my deodorant! I've heard of men who use Secret (don't worry, I won't out you and your little Secret here publically) and always thought that was humorous, but weren't they choosing from the beginning to use a women's product? Degree even has segregated their website. My deodorant has been placed on the women's site, of course, right along with Light Breeze (I'll resist the temptation to make a 'break wind' joke) and Fresh Oxygen (ooh, doesn't that sound nice?). What scents are now approved for my public use? Intense Sport (fine, if they consider Treadmilling an intense sport), Ocean Blast (uh, have you smelled ocean water lately? not good.), and Clean Slate (tag line - Dude, did you screw up again? Don't worry, start 'fresh' with Clean Slate). So I now use a women's deodorant, what's the big deal? Think about this...what am I supposed to do next time I have shower in a locker room? What humiliation awaits me there when other men see my pretty bottle of womanly odor protection sitting on the counter next to my razor? Oh yea, did I mention my deodorant is now "Little black dress approved"?

So lady, I hope you're happy. You've ruined my life.


At 7:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so I'm the one that uses Secret. They may advertise it as being "strong enough for a woman," but at least it doesn't say "women" right on the product. I did follow your cue and go to their website. Well, that was a mistake because the website is TOTALLY aimed at women. Even women race car drivers, by the way. But in the process I found out that Secret has new product names called "Ambition" and "Optimism." That's where I've gone wrong; not using Ambition and Optimism. mistake

At 9:01 PM , Blogger Emily said...

I was looking at my deodorant today and thought it could work for males and females. It's unscented and the container has gender neutral colors. Only one problem: the name... DOVE. I can't see a guy putting on a deadorant called Dove.

At 10:46 PM , Blogger Heather said...

you aren't alone. aaron will wear whatever I buy him as long as it isn't gel. I buy whatever is on sale and it is usally women's deodrants like Sauve or Secret. If I know it is for Aaron I try to buy the unscented or the least feminine sounding one.

Stand strong with the brothers! You all smell great and no one else will know!

At 12:45 AM , Blogger Tom said...

For your locker room or public applications I was thinking maybe you could make a slip cover type thing (you know like the book covers that you had to make in middle school and high school out of paper bags?) I'd make a generic white cover w/ "DEODORANT" in black writing, or you could make it real manly and cover it in black w/ something like "Macho Musk-the pit stick of Real Men!" written on it in gold or something...of course this is coming from someone who hunts in his socks and uses the words magically delicious so make your own judgements on how good a suggestion it is.

At 9:23 PM , Blogger My Many Coloured Days said...

This post needs to be in a magazine somewhere! Or have you considered late night tv? You have Mr. Man and I rolling on the floor laughing and sweating so much we need to borrow your stick!

At 8:41 AM , Blogger Kristina said...

...and you bought a case of it, too. If you still have it 2 years later, you can mail it to me.

At 4:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Softer skin with an aftershave balm

Have you ever wondered how to make your shaving much easier and smoother? Well, there is a lot to do actually, and trust me, this is the right time for you to search for a much better way in which you are going to be able of achieving that great and clean look that you might be on the search for. So lets star off with what you might want to be doing just before you shave, first of all, you need to have your skin really washed, it is extremely important that you do this, since this is going to be the way in which you are going to get rid of many impurities that could have been accumulated and that could cause you to have an infection if you get cut, so first of all, wash your face. Then you might like to get your face wet with hot water, and apply in circles your shaving cream. Make that your cream get well spread all around your face and them proceed to shave. When you shave make sure that you do get each and everyone of the parts you need to reach and you can do this by stretching your skin, this will help. Afterwards, proceed to clean your face of the cream and dry up.

Now comes the best part, the application of your aftershave balm, this is a product that will make the huge difference in shaving, this is the product that is going to allow you incredible results to outcome from your shaving, this aftershave balm will protect your skin or clean it, it will also avoid that you get a rash from your shaving, have you experience how awful a skin rash looks after you have shaven? It is even better if you would simply let your bear grow, but with this product you are not going to have any of these nasty rashes, and finally, your aftershave balm will provide you with incredibly looking skin which will also have a soft touch to it, and of courser, one last thing, with this aftershave balm you are going to be scented with an incredible perfume, so don’t waste your time, bad shaving is a thing of the past, you can now get incredible results wit just an aftershave balm. http://www.bestaftershaveformen.com


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