This one's for Pop

Our community distibutes a free weekly paper called The Sun. Our favorite section is called "TalkBack" which features phone messages readers call in and leave on whatever they wish. It is usually peppered with political rhetoric, but there is usually plenty of random rambling to make us laugh. This week's TalkBack featured two back-to-back rants that reminded me of Pop. Pop 1) has a beef with yard sale signs and 2) is a card-carrying member of AARP.
Enjoy, Pop! Since you won't blog, you could always call the TalkBack line at 913.381.4884 if you have something to complain about.
Is there anything more offensive than a "bad" yard sale sign? Yes, leaving your Christmas wreath up until Memorial Day! Is it so hard to lift it off the hook and throw it in the trash? You get your money's worth by January 15th.
Signed, Another whiner
People can log-in to the online version of our daily newspaper and comment on articles. Some of the comments are scary. There are a lot of strange people out there. They don't have to sign their name so they are rather uninhibited. Appears the "Talk Back" people don't have to identify themselves either.
Another "Talk Back" item: my frustration with people who believe that once they stop at a four-way stop they can proceed without regard to the order in which the other vehicles have arrived at the stop.
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