Home on the Range



On my vacation last week, I swore off shaving. The boys call it "Scratchy Face."
Below is my pic-umentary - Evolution of Scratchy Face.

Clockwise from top left: 1) full beard, 2) gotee, 3) 'stache, and 4) Jenny's personal favorite, and what Momma K calls the Fu Man Chu, my "bad boy handlebar mustache". Creepy, huh.


At 2:26 PM , Blogger Emily said...

Scratchy face is a perfect "nickname" for a beard! I think I might have to steal that phrase from the boys!
What are the snowflakes in the background? Are they projected onto the wall with light or are they paper?

At 11:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the clean-shaven version the best even though you grew a mighty good beard in a week.

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I would vote for the Fu Man Chu look, but it would look even better if you shaved your head. That would give you the Jesse Ventura look. That got him a lucrative acreer and even a governorship.

At 11:55 AM , Blogger Tom said...

I call that ("Fu Man Chu") the handle bar stache I think you should change your name to Tex if you go that route. That would be awesome...Tex!


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