A horse is a horse, of course

I came downstairs to see what they were up to, and Eli and Nate had put in the disk and were glued to the screen. Mr. Ed was babysitting an infant while Wilbur was upstairs working on something. Wilbur came down, thanked Mr. Ed for his help and then walked him back out to the stable. On the way out, the baby started crying, and Mr. Ed said Wilbur needed to "hold his horses" while Mr. Ed changed the baby's diaper. [insert pre-recorded audience laughter] Wilbur said not to worry about it, that he would take care of changing the baby.
Eli, with a puzzled look on his face, turned to me and asked, "Dad, can you believe Mr. Ed thought he could change the baby's diaper? Horses can't change diapers!" Apparently the fact that the horse was talking in the first place was no big deal to him.
that's awesome chris!!
Your library must be way cooler than ours the only TV sow I've seen there is Dawson's Creek (eww!). IF only they would get the last 2 season's of Lost....
I loved Mr. Ed. Of course I watched the original broadcasts! He was so likable, it seemed very natural that he would be able to talk. No wonder Eli only thought it odd that Mr. Ed talked about changing a diaper. That would be hard, especially since there was no such thing as Pampers in the mid-60's! Mr. Ed would have had to be able to open and close diaper pins, a pretty tough thing with hooves.
Color television was just getting underway on a commercial basis so I think this show was broadcast in black and white. Then again, it was a long time before we could afford a color TV, so maybe it was broadcast in color as well. Are the videos or DVD's in color?
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